Contact Us
In addition to using the form below to email us, you can find us on Facebook or Twitter. Alternatively, you can reach us on IRC or Discord.
All fields are required. If you abuse this contact form, we will abuse you.
By connecting to our Discord server, you assert that you are 18 years of age or older. Our Discord server is not for minors.
Additionally, we're highly NSFW- so if you are at an employer that will frown upon our content, don't connect to our Discord at your workplace (or listen to us, for that matter).
Our Discord server can be found here. If we get to know you a little better and you're regularly interactive, we may add you to the trusted role which grants you additional access to other channels that regular visitors do not have.
Alternatively, you may use the following widget:
By connecting to our IRC channel, you assert that you are 18 years of age or older. Our IRC channel is not for minors.
Additionally, we're highly NSFW- so if you are at an employer that will frown upon our content, don't connect to our IRC at your workplace (or listen to us, for that matter).
You can contact us at #sysadministrivia on Freenode: